Western Sydney University - Bachelor of Entrepreneurship degree: Lecturing



Western Sydney University - Bachelor of Entrepreneurship degree.

This degree is an innovative approach to training the next generation of high impact entrepreneurs by providing knowledge and developing practical skills.

Incubator 6: Funding a Start-up

Engaged to plan and develop the specialised subject delivering the subject in Autumn Term - 14 weeks.

This subject investigates various funding opportunities available for startup businesses. Theoretical knowledge and real-world experiences are blended to ensure students are knowledgeable, immersed in and connected with the Australian funding ecosystem. Students finish the subject with knowledge of the different funding sources to explore on the startup journey, and an increased social capital with Australian funders.

Subject Learning Outcomes delivered

  • Identify the main actors in the Australian funding ecosystem.

  • Analyse the criteria and funding options for new business opportunities.

  • Apply primary research skills to explore preferred funding options.

  • dentify key lessons from successfully funded ventures.

  • Apply communication and collaboration skills in a relatable and inclusive manner for a range of audiences.

  • Apply negotiating skills and tactics.


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