Collective Leadership Program

People, Places & Systems  

This program is our response to help you navigate the complex and ever-changing leadership landscape. It equips you with the tools necessary to support your communities in a meaningful and impactful way. It's time to collectively rise to the occasion and steer our nation towards a brighter, healthier, and more equitable future. The journey starts here, with you, as leaders committed to driving positive change. Together, we can collaboratively turn the tide and build a healthier, fairer Australia for all.


  • Systems thinking and system leadership

  • Appreciation of the Inner Development Goals

  • Understanding our worldviews and ideologies

  • Understanding place-based working

  • Understand whole of systems approaches

  • Appreciation of health inequalities

  • Join a Collective Leadership community with a bi-monthly 90 minute professional development session

Who should attend?

Representatives from local government, leisure, sport, academia, education, public health, recreation, local health districts, peak bodies, not-for profits, private enterprise, disability and the social economy.